Faculty Research Areas

Name Research Areas
Keshav Aggarwal Analytic Number Theory, Automorphic forms
U.K. Anandavardhanan Number Theory: Automorphic Forms, Representation Theory of p-adic Groups.
Shripad M. Garge Algebraic Groups and Related Structures.
Ananthnarayan Hariharan Commutative Algebra
M.K. Keshari Commutative Algebra: Projective Modules
Madhusudan Manjunath Combinatorial Commutative Algebra and Tropical Algebraic Geometry. In general, the interface between Algebraic Geometry-Commutative Algebra and Combinatorics
Kummari Mallesham Number Theory
Tony J. Puthenpurakal Blowup Algebras, Hilbert Functions, Local Cohomology, D-modules, Invariant Theory, Complete Intersections, Asymptotic Associate Primes, Endomorphism Rings of Reflexive Modules.
Dipendra Prasad Algebraic number theory, Automorphic forms, Representation theory.
Ravi Raghunathan Number theory: Automorphic Forms, L-Functions, Converse Theorems
Preeti Raman Algebra and Number Theory
Name Research Areas
Bata Krishna Das Noncommutative Probability (specifically Quantum Probability), Operator Algebras and Operator Spaces as well as Multivariable Operator Theory.
Chandan Biswas Fourier Aanalysis
Santanu Dey Multivariable Operator Theory, C* and von Neumann Algebras, and Noncommutative Probability, Operator Algebras
Prachi Mahajan Several Complex Variables
Sourav Pal Multivariable operator theory and several complex variables
Sanjoy Pusti Harmonic analysis on Lie groups, Special functions associated with root systems
Sutanu Roy Quantum Groups, Quantum symmetries, Operator Algebras
Name Research Areas
Niranjan Balachandran Combinatorics
S. Sivaramakrishnan Combinatorics
Murali K. Srinivasan Combinatorics
Srikanth Srinivasan Theoretical Computer Science, Combinatorics
Madhusudan Manjunath Combinatorial Commutative Algebra and Tropical Algebraic Geometry. In general, the interface between Algebraic Geometry-Commutative Algebra and Combinatorics
Name Research Areas
Saurav Bhaumik Algebraic Geometry, Algebraic Stacks, étale Cohomology, Intersection Theory, Families of Quadratic Forms, Higgs Bundles, and Geometric Langlands Correspondence
S.R. Ghorpade Schubert Varieties, Linear Codes, Varieties over Finite Fields, Algebraic Geometry and Combinatorics
Sudarshan R. Gurjar Algebraic Geometry
Anusha Mangala Krishnan Differential Geometry
Swapneel Mahajan Coxeter groups, Hopf Algebras, Operads
Rekha Santhanam Algebraic Topology; Homotopy Theory and Topological Combinatorics
Ronnie Sebastian Algebraic Cycles, Moduli Spaces, Special Values of L-Functions
Sandip Singh Arithmetic Groups, Lie Groups, Thin Groups
Madhusudan Manjunath Combinatorial Commutative Algebra and Tropical Algebraic Geometry. In general, the interface between Algebraic Geometry-Commutative Algebra and Combinatorics
Name Research Areas
S. Baskar Hyperbolic Conservation Laws, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Nonlinear Waves
Harsha Hutridurga Homogenization of differential equations; Mathematical statistical mechanics; Invisibility and meta-materials
Debanjana Mitra Partial Differential Equations, Control Theory in PDE, Optimization
Mayukh Mukherjee Geometric analysis, spectral theory, PDE
Saikat Mazumdar Geometric Analysis, Nonlinear partial differential equations
Neela Nataraj Numerical Analysis, Finite Element Methods, Finite Volume Methods, Optimal Control Problems.
Suman Kumar Sahoo Inverse problems, Integral geometry, Partial differential equations, Analysis on Manifolds, and Phase retrieval problems
Sivaji Ganesh Sista Partial Differential Equations, Homogenization
G.K. Srinivasan Partial Differential Equations, Special functions and Orthogonal polynomials
Name Research Areas
Ayan Bhattacharya Extreme Value Theory, Stable Processes and Fields, Branching Random Walks, Point Processes, Random Walks in Random Environment, Branching Processes.
Monika Bhattacharjee High-dimensional statistics, change point analysis, stochastic networks, time series analysis, free probability, random matrix theory.
Ashish Das Design of Experiments
Debraj Das Asymptotic Theory of Statistics, Rates of Convergence to CLT, Edgeworth Expansions, Bootstrap, Empirical Likelihoods, Time Series, Statistical Analysis of Networks
Siuli Mukhopadhyay Design of Experiments, Generalized Linear Models, Disease Surveillance
Koushik Saha Random matrices, Extreme value theory, Free Probability and Statistics
Radhendushka Srivastava Time Series Analysis, Non Parametric Regression, High Dimensional Data
K. Suresh Kumar Risk-Sensitive Control Theory, Stochastic Control, Mathematical Finance, Stochastic Differential Game Theory