• Mathematics Department, IIT Bombay

  • Mathematics Department, IIT Bombay

  • Mathematics Department, IIT Bombay

  • Main Building, IIT Bombay

  • IIT Bombay Powai Lake

Study @ IIT Bombay, Department of Mathematics

We offer a variety of postgraduate programmes, as well as a doctoral research programme for highly motivated students looking to pursue an academic or industrial career in Mathematics or Statistics. Apart from the PhD programme, the department has (1) a four year BS programme in Mathematics, (2) a five year BS+MSc in Mathematics, (3) a five year BS in Mathematics with an MSc in Statistics, (4) a two year MSc in Mathematics, and (5) a two year MSc in Statistics, all these for new entrants. Other than these programmes, we offer (1) a five year Integrated MSc in Mathematics, (2) an Inter Disciplinary Dual Degree Program (IDDDP) in Mathematics, and (3) an IDDDP in Statistics for students already enrolled in IIT Bombay. For more details see our Course Curriculum Booklet.

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Dec-24 15

Advances in High Dimensional Statistical Learning Conference

Ramanujan Hall, Department of Mathematics

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